
Welcome to my web site. My domain name may be a little self-centered, naming it after me, but hey this is my site, get your own. I went with the name because of a couple of reasons:

  • Needed a basic domain to house all my projects
  • Wity domain names are hard to come up with, especially one that allows you to create multiple projects. I could sell donuts on this domain and it would be appropriate, because Joshua Dahl can sell donuts. Taxmyweiner.com ( already taken, props to my coworker and classmate it will be a success ), probably wouldn't be dealing any donuts.
  • There must be about 50 Joshua Dahls in the world ( 15 in Minnesota alone ), so I snagged it first, take that all you other Joshua Dahls

Oh and btw, if you have an excess amount of cash that you need to get rid of for no particular reason, look no further than about a half mouse wheel scroll. *gasp* Is that a donate button? Yes it is. Donate all the money you want, I won't mind.